At Equinix, materiality matters. We are targeting improvements in material ESG areas that our business impacts and driving standardization in reporting and transparency.
Scope 1 & 2 emissions reduced from 2019 baseline
Sixth year in a row with 90%+ global renewable energy coverage
Putting recovered heat back to use in our communities
Achieved highest ranking score for the second consecutive year
Entered into long-term contracts with 225 MW of operational today and 838 MW to be developed between 2024 and 2029
Covered by supplier-set science-based targets
Enhancing operational excellence and energy demand reduction in 2023
8.8% Power Usage Effectiveness improvement from 2022
First year reporting on Water Usage Effectiveness
* Includes Category 1 and 2 Scope 3 emissions
^ Average annual WUE for our entire global data center portfolio. The WUE calculation includes all of our data centers regardless of cooling system type employed at the facility
Is comprised of Historically Marginalized* talent, a 6% increase from 2022
Increase in women employees globally
Growth in Black/African American employee population in the U.S.
In employee donations, corporate matching and community-based donations made to over 1,600 charities around the world
Partnering in digital inclusion funded by Equinix Foundation in the first year of operations^
11% increase in employee volunteering YoY
Established in our markets around the world-localizing our belonging efforts
Spearheading employee-led events and initiatives to further Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Wellbeing
Employee satisfaction survey scores for eSat, Belonging and Wellbeing
*Includes those who identify as Asian, Hispanic/Latinx, Black/African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. And Multiple. Calculations do not include those who declined to identify
^Represents both grants and WeGive community-based donations
Employee completion of Ethics and Compliance trainings
of Asia-Pacific Data Center Association, the first-of-its-kind trade association in the region
For the third consecutive year
Recognizing for our political transparency with an increase in our score year over year
Equinix leaders serving as board members or chairs for data center industry associations
Conducted our first triennial assessment to identify and understand inherent risks across our supply chain
Recognized for creating a Security-as-Code Model by CSO, the leading source for news, analysis, and research on security and risk management
Established the model dividing privacy responsibilities between customers and Equinix
Tied short-term incentive performance metrics for VP-level and above to environment and social progress
The information disclosed below reflects the reporting period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
Disclosure Number | Disclosure Title | 2023 Response |
GRI 2: The Organization and its Reporting Practices | ||
2-1 | Organizational details | Equinix, Inc . (NASDAQ: EQIX) is a Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”) and is publicly traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market . Our headquarters is located at One Lagoon Drive, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA . Equinix operates 260 IBX® and xScale® data centers in 71 strategic markets in 33 countries across the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe, the Middle East and Africa (“EMEA”) . Equinix operates in:
2-2 | Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting | All entities listed in our 2023 Form 10-K |
2-3 | Reporting period, frequency and contact point | Reporting for the 2023 calendar year; Equinix publishes its sustainability report annually . This report was released in April 2024 and covers 2023 data . For questions regarding the report, please contact:
Sustainability Program Office |
2-4 | Restatements of information | None |
2-5 | External assurance | This report does not have external assurance; however, Equinix’s 2015-2023 energy, renewable energy, and Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions have been externally verified to Limited Assurance Standards ISO 14064-3. |
GRI 2: Activities and Workers | ||
2-6 | Activities, value chain, and other business relationships | Equinix provides a variety of International Business Exchange™ (IBX) and xScale data centers, as well as interconnection solutions and managed IT infrastructure services. Additional details are available in our 2023 Form 10-K. Equinix operates in 71 strategic markets across the Americas, Asia-Pacific and EMEA with more than 10,000 customers, including a diversified mix of cloud and IT service providers, content providers, enterprises, financial companies, and network and mobile service providers.
Equinix designs, builds and operates multitenant retail interconnection data centers globally. Our supply chain consists of the materials and utilities contracts needed to provide the space, power and cooling that we offer our customers. The space consists of the materials used to build our data centers and the contractors we hire during the construction phases. The power and cooling infrastructure consists of equipment inside the sites that brings power to our customers’ electronic equipment reliably (including backup generators and UPS units) and maintains the necessary temperatures, airflow and humidity needed to keep our customers’ equipment running effectively and reliably (HVAC equipment). Our power supply chain is monitored and managed for both price and environmental concerns. We also use a variety of suppliers who help us maintain some aspects of data center operations and reliability, such as physical security measures and security personnel, janitors, waste management companies, etc. And we use a variety of consultants and suppliers to help us improve our business strategy and processes. We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers maintain high standards of ethics and environmental compliance . Our Business Partner Code of Conduct details our supplier ESG requirements. In 2023, we opened nine new data centers, inclusive of new xScale sites via our joint ventures . When including five additional data centers that opened in January 2024, this results in an increase in our total number of data center facilities to 260. See 2023 Form 10-K, Item 1 for details. |
2-7 | Employees | Total employee headcount: Equinix had 13,772 regular employees as of December 31, 2023 . This is an 11.7% headcount growth since 2022.
Total number of regular employees by type:
Total number of regular employees by type and by gender:
Total number of regular employees by type and by region:
Total number of regular employees by employment type and by gender:
Total number of regular employees by employment type and by region:
2-8 | Workers who are not employees | The total number of workers who are not employees is 5,673, which includes the following: Staff Augmentation—Temp/Agency Workers, Independent Contractors/Small Business Contractors, Professional Services Consultants, Outsourced Services and Outsourced Security Officers; and employees of a Joint Venture.
All of the above categories are not included in the full-time employee headcount. |
GRI 2: Governance | ||
2-9 | Governance structure and composition | 2024 Proxy Statement |
2-10 | Nomination and selection of the highest governance body | 2024 Proxy Statement |
2-11 | Chair of the highest governance body | 2024 Proxy Statement |
2-12 2-13 2-14 |
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting |
At Equinix, we are all working together to build an organization that is defined by its honesty, integrity and consistently ethical behavior. Our commitment to the highest standards of business and professional conduct differentiates our business as much as our technology. The sound corporate governance practices we have adopted enhance our accountability and transparency and promote our ethical pursuit of our shareholders’ best interests.
The Nominating and Governance Committee is responsible for ESG oversight at Equinix and reviews strategies, policies, practices, performance and reporting related to corporate ESG matters. The Nominating and Governance Committee provides periodic updates to the full Board. The Nominating and Governance Committee is responsible for oversight of ESG compensation incentives. This Committee receives updates, including an overview of ESG, from the Sustainability Program Office (SPO) on behalf of the Sustainability Executive Steering Committee, as needed, as well as a focused environmental metrics review at least once a year. Responsibilities of our Sustainability Executive Steering Committee and SPO include: (i) setting corporate sustainability strategy and policy, (ii) monitoring and tracking Equinix’s progress, and (iii) transparently communicating our efforts externally to enhance our reputation and lead our industry. Working with other Equinix teams, the SPO sets the sustainability strategy and key targets for the company. The SPO also collaborates cross-functionally to interpret changes in the external sustainability environment and assess strategic consequences for Equinix. The team communicates and navigates organizational complexity to enable Equinix to deliver on its ESG commitments, including defining strategy, implementing and measuring initiatives, reporting progress against goals and engaging our stakeholders. The sustainability program contains three program tracks (or pillars). In 2023, each pillar was led by at least one member of the executive team (these members make up the Executive Steering Committee, which includes our Executive Chairman; CEO; CFO; CHRO/CLO; EVP, Data Center Services; and EVP, Global Operations) who are responsible for delegating ESG topics to other senior executives and employees. Day to day the sustainability program in 2023 was led by a global program vice president and executed by a Working Team that consists of 50+ global and regional leads. The Working Team meets periodically and reports up through the cross- functional Sustainability VP SteerCo for approval and support on strategic decisions. The Steering Committee meets two to four times annually, and the program director, with support of the Working Team, has access to the CEO and Board of Directors Nominating and Governance Committee quarterly as needed. Consultation with stakeholders is led by the Working Team and Equinix’s materiality assessment (last updated in the fall of 2022) engaged a variety of stakeholders who provided their feedback on Equinix’s ESG programs and goals. Equinix’s Investor Relations (IR) team also met with numerous investors around the world by attending or hosting over 25 investor conferences, non-deal road shows, and investor group events. Certain investors also requested engagement meetings to discuss topics related to our corporate governance model, ESG issues or our executive compensation program. Additionally, Equinix’s IR team proactively reached out for meetings with our 25 largest stockholders in the fall of 2023 to discuss these topics and solicit feedback. Equinix’s corporate governance structure can be found on Equinix’s Investor Relations website under Corporate Governance. Additional details are available in our 2024 Proxy Statement. |
2-15 | Conflicts of interest | 2024 Proxy Statement |
2-16 | Communication of critical concerns | For a description of our Board’s oversight of risk management, please refer to our 2024 Proxy Statement.
We do not report the total number and nature of the critical concerns presented to the Board. |
2-17 | Collective knowledge of the highest governance body | Within our 2024 Proxy Statement, we have provided a matrix of the particular skills and experience our directors bring to the Board.
Please refer to the Equinix Corporate Governance Guidelines for continuing education of our Board members. All directors will be offered the opportunity, and are encouraged, to participate in continuing education programs, with any associated expenses to be reimbursed by the Company. It is the intent of the Board that at least one member of the Board shall attend such a program at least once every two years. |
2-18 | Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body | 2024 Proxy Statement—A self-assessment of the Board is also conducted annually, at which time each member is free to evaluate and comment as to whether they feel this leadership structure continues to be appropriate . |
2-19 | Remuneration policies | 2024 Proxy Statement |
2-20 | Process to determine remuneration | 2024 Proxy Statement |
2-21 | Annual total compensation ratio | 2024 Proxy Statement |
GRI 2: Strategy, Policies and Practices | ||
2-22 | Statement on sustainable development strategy | CEO Letter |
2-23 | Policy commitments | At Equinix, we are all working together to build an organization that is defined by its honesty, integrity and consistently ethical behavior. Our commitment to the highest standards of business and professional conduct differentiates our business as much as our technology. Our passion to create an enduring, great company is exceeded only by our promise to do so with uncompromising integrity and commitment to ethical business practices.
As a global company, we embrace honesty and integrity because it’s fundamentally the right thing to do, but ethical behavior also makes good business sense. When we place integrity and ethical values at the center of our business, our customers and partners know they can trust our Company and the products and services we deliver. Our Code of Business Conduct reflects and documents our ethical standards and policies each of us must uphold. It provides us with the information, resources and tools necessary to create clear, consistent global standards for ethical business conduct and compliance with laws. We are all expected to know our Code and to use it to guide our daily interactions. It is designed to help us make the right choices when we encounter challenging ethical situations. As Equinix employees, we all have the right and the responsibility to protect our Company culture from any conduct that threatens our values or harms our reputation. Holding each other accountable to live our values is what makes Equinix a special place to work. If you ever have questions or concerns that our Code of Business Conduct is being violated, please speak up . You are encouraged to talk with your manager, Equinix’s Chief Compliance Officer, the chief legal officer and chief HR officer. You may also report anonymously using the Ethics and Compliance Helpline available online or through our multilingual phone service. |
2-24 | Embedding policy commitments | All Equinix employees must complete regular ethics and compliance-related training . In addition, all employees, including executives, as well as Board members must complete ethics and compliance-related training as part of onboarding.
The Equinix Code of Business Conduct applies to every Equinix officer, director and employee, including part-time and temporary employees. It should also be followed by those acting on Equinix’s behalf, such as agents, representatives and consultants. And we are all expected to comply with the letter and the spirit of the Code of Business Conduct. Equinix maintains a Business Partner Code of Conduct, which applies to all Business Partners, including, but not limited to, suppliers, resellers, consulting partners and service providers. It states our expectations from our Business Partners and their employees, agents and subcontractors when conducting business with or on behalf of Equinix. |
2-25 | Processes to remediate negative impacts | Our reputation as an ethical company depends on all of us working together to ensure our high ethical standards are upheld. We take all reports seriously. When a concern is raised, an independent and impartial team will conduct a thorough review and investigate. We make every effort to understand the complete picture in an objective and thorough way. Information provided is shared only with people who need to know to resolve the issue.
At Equinix, there are a number of appropriate ways for you to speak up about questions or concerns you may have, including:
2-26 | Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns | At Equinix, there are a number of appropriate ways for you to speak up about questions or concerns you may have, including:
2-27 | Compliance with laws and regulations | As a global company, Equinix must comply with the laws in all the places we do business. Our Code of Business Conduct makes clear, and our employees receive training that explains, all employees are responsible for understanding and complying with the laws and regulations that affect our jobs. In this way we proactively avoid both the monetary and reputational risks associated with sanctions and fines for noncompliance with applicable laws. In 2023, Equinix received no significant or material fines or nonmonetary sanctions for noncompliance with laws and regulations. |
2-28 | Membership associations | Equinix’s membership in any trade association does not indicate our agreement with all views and positions taken by the association. As of December 31, 2023, we were active members of the following sample list organizations.
2-29 | Approach to stakeholder engagement | Stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of our sustainability efforts. Equinix identifies its key stakeholders as those who may have the greatest impact or influence on Equinix’s business or those that Equinix most greatly affects. Equinix’s key stakeholders and the engagement methods and frequency of engagement are detailed in our Stakeholder Engagement section. |
2-30 | Collective bargaining agreements | In the Americas, both Brazil and Canada have collective bargaining. 100% of the workforce in Brazil is covered by collective bargaining with the union . In Canada, 2.2% of the workforce is unionized.
In Asia-Pacific, Equinix employees are not covered by collective bargaining or labor unions. However, in Japan, China and Korea, for any change in benefit or employment terms, Equinix will have to go through an employee consultation process and get their consent. In EMEA, the countries of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Finland and Sweden have formal works councils or representative employee bodies. France has collective bargaining in place, with the current scope applying to 65% of employees. Additionally, in Sweden, Spain, Italy and Finland, Equinix is subject to industry collective agreements governing terms and conditions of employment. |
GRI 3: Disclosures on Material Topics | ||
3-1 | Process to determine material topics | Equinix conducted a multiphase identification process to determine its material topics. During an initial topic identification phase, 41 topics were identified via ESG frameworks. Following the initial phase, 16 industry relevant topics were identified by reviewing material topics listed in peer reports. The 16 material topics were rated on their significance towards our business and stakeholders by reviewing Equinix’s previous materiality assessment in 2020. Impacts were also prioritized through interviews with internal/external stakeholders, online survey, and benchmarking topics across ESG frameworks and industry peers. Interviews were conducted with internal and external stakeholders (employees, subject matter experts and peers) and consultants. |
3-2 | List of material topics | For more details, please refer to our Materiality Assessment. |
3-3 | Management of material topics | Environment Social Governance |
Disclosure Number | Disclosure Title | 2023 Response |
GRI 201: Economic Performance | ||
201-1 | Direct economic value generated and distributed | 2023 Form 10-K, Item 7 |
201-2 | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change | Equinix 2023 CDP Climate Change Survey response |
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts | ||
203-1 | Infrastructure investments and services provided | Infrastructure investments: 2023 Form 10-K, Note 17 in Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
Equinix’s Community Impact & Foundation includes the programs and initiatives that empower employees to give back, with a focus on helping the communities where we live and work. We continue to connect communities to the opportunities of a digital world while harnessing the passion of employees for community-based service and giving. In total, our Community Impact efforts in 2023 resulted in approximately $1.9 million in employee donations, company matching, and community-based donations made to over 1,600 charities around the world. In addition, our Equinix employees served a total of 25,300 volunteer hours, an 11% increase in employee volunteering from last year. |
203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | This metric helps determine how many job opportunities were created in 2023, both as a result of growth and from a need to replace leaving employees. A total of 2,318 employees were hired externally in 2023 against the 3,040 open positions, 947 positions were filled internally, and the remaining positions were not hired for, carried forward to 2024 or cancelled. |
GRI 205: Anti-Corruption | ||
205-1 | Operations assessed for risks related to corruption | Every organization is judged by the actions of its people. When individuals consistently act with honesty and integrity, their company builds trust and a reputation for ethical behavior. At Equinix, we believe that acting ethically not only is the right thing to do, but it also makes good business sense. Equinix is committed to the highest standards of business and professional conduct. We designed our Code of Business Conduct to reflect and document our ethical values and standards, including our stance on corruption. We assign mandatory trainings on the Code of Business Conduct and anti-bribery and corruption to ensure that all Equinix employees are provided guidance on applying our ethical standards in their day-to-day decision-making and actions on behalf of our company. We also periodically survey our employees and conduct risk assessments to assess the effectiveness of our programs. Equinix continually reviews its business operations and market environment to assess the various risks that have the potential to adversely affect our business. These risks, including those related to corruption, are reported annually in the risk factors section of our SEC reporting. Please refer to our 2023 Form 10-K. |
205-2 | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures |
All new hires at Equinix must complete both Code of Business Conduct and anti- bribery and corruption training courses within six months of being hired. After that, employees are expected to take online or in-person compliance trainings on an annual basis, depending on the training schedule each year. Trainings are available in multiple languages through a software program that enables us to reach 100% of Equinix employees. New Board members receive training on anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) risk and Equinix’s ABC policy and training program as part of their onboarding orientation session. Equinix’s management team also participates in all employee mandatory trainings described above. Equinix’s Whistleblower Protection Policy protects corporate “whistleblowers,” ensuring that concerns around ethics and corruption can be taken seriously and acted upon by the Company. |
205-3 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | Please review our SEC filings for detailed reporting on Corruption, Ethics and Compliance issues. Equinix strives to avoid duplicate reporting.
In 2023, Equinix had no verified violations of applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws . |
GRI 302: Energy | ||
302-1 | Energy consumption within the organization | Energy Consumption: Total energy consumption in 2023 was 8,342 GWh across Scope 1 and 2 (up from 7,905 GWh in 2022, or 5%). Scope 2 was 8,284 GWh (+6% YOY). The regional breakdown for Scope 2 was:
(Note: Scope 2 includes consumption from electric power, fuel cells operated under power purchase agreements and chilled water . These values were assured to Limited Assurance ISO 14064-3 Requirements .) Renewable Energy Consumption: Total renewable energy consumption in 2023 was 7,853 GWh (+6% YOY)
302-3 | Energy intensity | Energy intensity as measured by energy consumption (GWh) per unit revenue (million USD) was:
Energy intensity as measured by energy consumption (GWh) per data center floor area (gross sq. ft.) was:
(Note: Energy consumption includes electric power, fuel cells operated under power purchase agreements and chilled water . Equinix’s energy intensity is driven both by site efficiency as well as how we generate revenue around the world .) |
302-4 | Reduction of energy consumption | Demand reduction from the $78M of energy efficiency investments made in 2023 is roughly 7,600 kW annually. |
GRI 303: Water and Effluents | ||
303-3 303-4 303-5 |
Water withdrawal Water discharge Water consumption |
Total water withdrawal in 2023 was 5,970 megaliters (ML). The breakdown of volume by source and from areas with high water stress are:
Total water discharge in 2023 was 2,390 ML. The breakdown of volume by source and to areas with high water stress are:
Total water consumption in 2023 was 3,580 ML with 1,120 in areas with high water stress. Equinix conducts water risk assessments using WRI’s Aqueduct tool. Sites with baseline water stress of high or extremely high, as determined by WRI, are considered areas with high water stress. (Note: Water volumes disclosed account for 88% of our global data center portfolio. Equinix is working on expanding its water tracking efforts to provide data covering our entire portfolio, in future reports.) |
GRI 305: Emissions | ||
305-1 | Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions | Scope 1 emissions from on-site diesel consumption for backup generation, natural gas used for heating, and refrigerant losses:
The regional breakdown in 2023 was: 64% AMER (18,700 mtCO2e), 18% APAC (5,200 mtCO2e) and 18% EMEA (5,100 mtCO2e). The primary drivers for the decrease in Scope 1 emissions include an overall reduction in refrigerant leakages due to focused efforts across our operations. |
305-2 | Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions | Scope 2 Location-based GHG emissions (electricity + chilled water), with YOY trend:
The regional breakdown in 2023 was: 38% AMER (993,800 mtCO2e), 34% APAC (885,500 mtCO2e) and 28% EMEA (730,900 mtCO2e). Scope 2 Market-based GHG emissions (electricity + chilled water) including contribution of renewable energy purchasing, with YOY trend:
The regional breakdown in 2023 was: 1% AMER (3,100 mtCO2e), 98% APAC (229,800 mtCO2e) and 1% EMEA (1,200 mtCO2e). Market-based methodologies take into account Equinix’s large renewable energy purchases, which allow us to use a 0 mtCO2e/MWh emissions factor (or net zero emissions from electricity). |
305-3 | Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions | Scope 3 emissions come from:
305-4 | GHG emissions intensity | Carbon Intensity as measured by total emissions (Scope 1+ Scope 2 market-based emissions) per unit revenue (million USD) was:
Carbon intensity is driven by both our operational efficiency efforts and renewable energy procurement, as well as how we generate revenue around the world |
305-5 | Reduction of GHG emissions | Equinix sources clean and renewable energy around the world to make progress against our 100% renewable energy goal. Renewable energy coverage versus our electricity usage in 2023 was:
Specifically, renewable energy purchases reduce Scope 2 GHG emissions (from location-based to market-based):
(Note: Scope 2 includes electric power, fuel cells under power purchase agreement, and chilled water.) |
GRI 401: Employment | ||
401-1 | New employee hires and employee turnover | New employees hired and (hire rate):
(Note: Numbers depict how many people were hired during the year both for newly created positions and for positions that became vacant as a result of employee attrition. Employees added as a result of acquisitions are not included. New Hire rate = # of new hires/average annual head count.) Employee turnover rate:
Represents how many employees left the organization voluntarily (includes retirement and death) as well as involuntarily (due to dismissal, misconduct, job performance, etc.). |
401-3 | Parental leave | Retention rate after parental leave (2020, 2021 includes Americas and APAC only; 2022 and 2023 include all regions):
(Note: For 2023, AMER includes US, Canada, and Brazil only.) |
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety | ||
403-9 | Work-related injuries | In 2023, Equinix had:
GRI 404: Training and Education | ||
404-1 | Average hours of training per year per employee | In 2023, Equinix employees averaged 40.2 hours of training per employee. |
404-2 | Programs for upgrading employee skill and transition assistance programs | Learning resources available to employees include: Equinix-specific material created and deployed by various departments such as HR, Sales, Operations and Customer Care; CrossKnowledge libraries; Project Management; Agile; PMP Certification; Digital Literacy; Microsoft Office; Leadership; LinkedIn Learning; and a large variety of leadership and soft skills training resources.
Equinix also has robust training programs covering our global policies and procedures. These are mandatory courses assigned to all employees and are available in multiple languages. Examples include: Global Code of Business Conduct, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Preventing Workplace Harassment (in U.S. and Asia-Pacific), Security Awareness and Responsibility, Business Continuity Training, and an introduction to REITs. Training and resources are also provided through external channels such as function-specific conferences and function-specific trainings such as Tableau training. Equinix also offers tuition reimbursement for academic programs, which contributes to overall employee development. In 2023, Equinix averaged $741 in training costs per FTE. |
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity | ||
405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees | The 2023 composition of Equinix’s governance bodies and Executive team was as follows:
The 2023 composition of Equinix’s employees was as follows:
Representation of women in 2023 by level, globally:
Representation at each level by race/ethnicity, in the U.S. only:
405-2 | Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men | We are advocates of pay equity—our Rewards & Compensation team engages in regular market studies about pay, and since 2017, our global guidance to hiring managers is to refrain from asking candidates about their salary history, and instead focus on the appropriate pay for the job being offered. Globally, Equinix representation of women in the workforce and in leadership roles is on par with our peers in the industry. |
GRI 406: Nondiscrimination | ||
406-1 | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken | Equinix recognizes the value of providing a work environment free from unjustified discrimination, harassment and retribution. Discrimination is prohibited by our company policies, which include our Employee Handbooks and Code of Business Conduct. These documents also describe how Equinix prohibits unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, as well as the many resources available to staff members who wish to report any potential violations of these guidelines. Additionally, in the United States and Asia-Pacific, Equinix offers harassment training. Members of Equinix’s Human Resources and/or Legal departments immediately and appropriately respond to all notifications of possible policy infractions. Equinix opposes contemporary slavery and human trafficking in all its manifestations, and we insist that everyone with whom we do business also opposes these practices.
GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling | ||
417-1 | Requirements for product and service information and labeling | Equinix data centers provide a secure and reliable place for our customers’ IT equipment. Equinix supplies the power needed to run that equipment 24/7. In 2023, Equinix tracked the energy content for 100% of its IBX data centers globally and makes energy consumption, energy efficiency and renewable energy data available to its customers. We believe data centers can leverage their large electricity loads for positive social and environmental impact. Equinix’s 100% renewable energy goal is bringing more renewable energy generation sources online both locally and regionally in order to address the urgent need to move utility grids away from fossil fuels to address climate change. Upon request, customers can access custom Green Power Reports for their deployments within Equinix data centers. All deployments covered 100% with renewable energy in the calendar year result in a net zero market-based carbon emissions factor (CEF) for electricity at those sites. |
GRI 418: Customer Privacy | ||
418-1 | Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data | In 2023, no material complaints concerning breaches of data privacy impacting our customers or losses of customer data were substantiated. |
Company-specific Metrics | ||
SOC-3-a (Equinix Internal Metric) | Employee satisfaction— survey response rate | The Pulse Survey was released four times in 2023:
When averaged across the quarters, the response rate was 82%, greater than the average in 2022 (80%). |
SOC-3-b (Equinix Internal Metric) | Employee satisfaction— survey results | In 2023, employee satisfaction was determined by the score in response to the survey question “How happy are you working at Equinix?” In 2023, employees responded with a satisfaction score of 84 in Q1, 84 in Q2, 83 in Q3 and 83 in Q4. Overall, 2023 employee satisfaction score average is 83. |
SOC-10 (Equinix Internal Metric) | Total customer uptime in a given year as measured in yearly availability | Equinix IBX data centers feature advanced design, security, power and cooling elements to provide customers with industry-leading reliability, including average uptime of >99.999%+ availability globally in 2023. All Equinix IBX data centers are equipped with UPS power, backup systems and N+1 (or greater) redundancy. The company guarantees certain service levels, such as uptime, as outlined in individual customer contracts. |
SOC-11 (Equinix Internal Metric) | Annual Average Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) | Equinix measures PUE, a measure of data center energy efficiency, at all of its sites. We are transitioning to PUE1, a 12-month rolling average of PUE. Although currently sites are reporting data differently, we report an annual average PUE of 1.42 across our global portfolio in 2023. |
SOC-12 (Equinix Internal Metric) | Annual Average Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE) | Equinix measures WUE, a measure of data center water efficiency, at all of its sites. We report an annual average WUE of 1.07 across our global portfolio in 2023. This includes all data centers with both evaporative and air-cooling systems. The annual average WUE of data centers with evaporative cooling in 2023 is 1.63. |