Building Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

Our strength lies in The Magic of Equinix—our culture and values that define how we treat one another internally and how we behave externally. Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB) is more than a program—it’s a strategic imperative deeply ingrained in our culture. Our vision is to be an organization that mirrors the diversity of the communities in which we operate. As we make progress toward our vision, we are creating opportunities for everyone to thrive at Equinix and in our global communities.

Our strategy hinges on a network of internal stakeholders—from the executive team to our Employee Resource Groups—embedding DIB throughout our organization and talent life cycle.

Defining Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging


  • We believe in creating diverse teams with varied lived experiences and identities. This approach isn’t merely about checking boxes for representation—it’s about building teams that harness the power of diverse perspectives, ultimately driving innovation and excellence.


  • We strive to include all perspectives, acknowledging the significance of diverse voices in decision-making. Inclusion requires a deliberate effort to break down barriers and ensure that every voice is heard, recognizing that a multitude of perspectives strengthens our business.


  • We aim for an atmosphere where every employee can bring their best selves to work, ensuring they feel genuinely welcomed and valued for their skills.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our dedication to DIB extends outside our four walls, and we seek to create equality, regardless of gender. Our work supports the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5.

5 Gender Equality


As part of our DIB strategy, we track representation metrics against aspirational goals to promote accountability and transparency. Our leadership receives quarterly reports on our progress from our DIB metrics team and work with their HR partners to identify action plans and track progress.

Equity Assessment

In 2023, our commitment remained steadfast across our DIB strategy. This work is the start of a multiyear initiative, with the upcoming year dedicated to our DIB goals and advancement.

Bringing in an external perspective allowed us to objectively evaluate our progress and identify areas for improvement in our DIB strategy. While the results indicated that our strategy is in line with broader multinational corporate trends, we also identified opportunities to improve our program. This includes updating our performance management approach by implementing bias mitigation strategies during performance assessments.

We also uncovered the need to enhance the cultural humility of both leaders and middle management. While cultural competence emphasizes understanding, cultural humility fosters a genuine curiosity and openness by delving deeper. It encourages individuals to evaluate their own background and assess how their lived experience impacts their work.

Our Diversity Aspirations

Equinix remains committed to holding ourselves accountable to our diversity and representation aspirations. Our vision is to be an organization that reflects the diversity of the communities in which we operate. For women, this means reaching 50% representation globally, and in the U.S., reaching representation of historically marginalized communities that better reflects the U.S. population. As of the July 2021 Census, this number is 13.4% for the Black/African American community and 19% for the Hispanic/Latinx community. We have established interim aspirational goals in 2024 that are aligned with advancing toward this vision.

In 2023, we made strides in increasing gender diversity on a global scale, with our women employee population increasing 17% from 2022 and reaching 27.3% representation globally. In the U.S., our Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx employee populations increased by 14% and 6%, respectively, reaching 7.9% and 14% representation. increased the combined population of Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx employees at leadership levels (VP and above) by 33% compared to 2022.

Better Understanding the Workforce

Representation metrics help us better understand the composition of our workforce. Alongside the mandatory employment data collected in each country, our “I Matter” initiative empowers employees to self-identify across additional identities of gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability. A key priority of “I Matter” is ensuring the safety of our global employees. We recognize that some countries have cultural or legal barriers that may prevent certain persons from sharing their identity data. As a result, not all fields are available to self-identify for every country.

In our second year of collecting data, the number of those electing to self-identify increased to 41%, a 6% increase year-to-date. As more employees choose to self-identify, we can better understand our diverse workforce and the experiences of different identities. For example, 6.1% identify as LGBTQ+, with 1.2% being transgender or non-binary. This, in turn, helps to inform and enhance our DIB initiatives.

Equinix’s 2022 Employer Information Report (EEO-1 Component 1, shown below) contains the composition of our U.S. employees (as outlined by the government’s definitions) across race/ethnicity, sex and specific job categories. This EEO-1 Component 1 report captures only the U.S. portion of our global employee base.

W11 1
W12 1
W5 1
W6 1
W7 1
W8 1

Our Efforts to Attract Diverse Talent

In 2023, we strengthened our inclusive hiring practices and invested in partnerships to expand the pathways we use to connect with diverse talent. These initiatives will continue to help scale our talent search across all levels and cultivate robust and diverse talent pipelines.

Woman working on a laptop

Integrating Inclusive Hiring Practices

Building on the mitigating bias training we conducted in 2022, we evolved our candidate selection approach in 2023 to prioritize the best qualified candidates whose attitudes and aptitudes aligned with our values. This approach underscores a holistic perspective in hiring, ensuring a better fit with organizational values and contributing to a more cohesive workplace culture.

By ensuring our talent acquisition teams represent varied backgrounds and lived experiences, our recruitment practices and perspectives become enrichingly diverse, broadening our view in the hiring process. This enhances our ability to recognize and appreciate a wider array of talents and qualities in potential candidates. In 2023, 38% of our U.S. new-to-career hires were from Hispanic/Latinx and Black communities, a 52% increase from 2022.

Equinix is dedicated to ensuring that our employment process is accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities, at all stages in the process—from candidacy to hire and thereafter. Qualified candidates who require assistance or accommodation are made aware that we offer modifications to the hiring process, if needed, and they are encouraged to make a request. In 2023, we provided training on our updated disability accommodations process and increased awareness to our global HR recruiting and onboarding teams.

Accessing Diverse Talent Through Partnerships

We collaborate with partners to help historically marginalized communities access hiring opportunities. By featuring Equinix-branded content and employee stories on our partners’ platforms, we extend our reach to more candidates, providing insight into a workplace that prioritizes diversity and inclusion. Our partners include Fairygodboss, The Muse, Half the Sky Asia and HerKey. We also launched a six-month partnership with Web Scribble, a site that hosts job boards affiliated with DIB organizations nationally. Through this partnership, we accessed the Professional Diversity Network and Hire for Diversity websites, which provide access to networking, training, education and employment opportunities to diverse professionals.

In addition, we use recruitment and hiring tools such as the Clinch, HiredScore and Campus apps. These tools are helping us to achieve our goals of cultivating a diverse pipeline and ensuring an equitable hiring process, while driving automation and efficiency. Learn more about our programs that attract and retain talent in Attracting and Developing our Talent.

Logo for FairyGodBoss
Logo for The Muse
Logo for Half the Sky
Logo for Web Scribble
Logo for Clinch
Logo for HiredScore
Logo for Campus

A Top-down Focus

Equinix ties executive (VP level and above) compensation to the advancement and achievement of our diversity aspirational goals. This approach reinforces the importance of fostering an inclusive workplace at the highest organizational levels.

In 2022, we refined our Grow, Perform, Succeed (GPS) performance management assessment for VP levels and above by including transformational and inclusive leadership behaviors. We continued to prioritize the accountability of leaders to these behaviors by expanding to director levels, because the adoption of these new criteria aligns our performance standards with the fundamental values necessary for fostering a diverse and thriving workplace.

Advancing Mentorship and Sponsorship

Mentorship is a powerful driver of a DIB culture, which is why we create a range of mentorship and sponsorship opportunities for our managers and employees to enhance their skills and capabilities. In 2023, we celebrated several successes in this area, including:

  • Sponsoring over 90 executives through Allies Council training, a unique leadership initiative where senior leaders advocate for the education and promotion of gender and racial equity
  • Deploying the McKinsey Connected Leaders Academy for Black, Hispanic/Latinx and Asian leaders, which offered both an Executive Leadership Program and a Management Accelerator course. The Academy acts as a training program for leaders of historically marginalized groups, focusing on building their capabilities in their career development. In turn, the impact to the broader organization shows demonstrable progress on inclusion and equity by improving talent pipelines and unlocking the full potential of leaders identifying with historically marginalized communities.

Advancing DIB With Our Partners

Our CEO is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace by being a signatory on CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion. Equinix is also involved in the CEO Action for Racial Equity (CEOARE) Fellowship; in 2023, we had two employees dedicated full-time to the fellowship’s Closing the Digital Divide team. Our fellows conducted research to address the issue of low adoption of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP is a benefit program that helps households to afford the broadband they need for work, school and healthcare. To tackle this challenge, we collaborated with our product organization to launch a pilot program. This initiative provides free Equinix Internet Exchange® (IX) ports to internet service providers in Texas, New York and Michigan. Connecting to Equinix IX ports provides access to a wide range of content providers and networks. This allows ACP to offer faster, more diverse and affordable connectivity options to underserved communities.

Additionally, through partnerships with external thought leaders, including industry peers, Equinix leverages data and resources to expand its leadership talent. Collaborations with Bright Networks, Hispanics Alliance for Career Enhancement and other organizations connect the company with diverse candidates and communities. These partnerships play a pivotal role in supporting, building and developing diverse leadership within Equinix. Learn more about this work in Attracting and Developing our Talent.

Equinix Employee Resource Groups

Equinix’s nine internal community groups, known as Equinix Employee Connection Networks (EECNs), are open to all employees and are formed around historically marginalized identities or shared challenges. Led by employee volunteers, each EECN has an executive sponsor, a dedicated leadership team and regional ambassadors. Our EECNs foster a sense of purpose and connection among employees that helps us to attract talent, strengthen our DIB efforts and improve workforce wellbeing.

In 2023, our EECNs worked together to shape and execute plans aligned with Equinix’s vision and values. As part of this effort, we strengthened cross-EECN collaboration by hosting the first EECN leaders’ summit. During the summit, over 60 EECN leaders participated in panel discussions, a resource fair and strategy sessions. We also introduced a recognition program for EECN leaders that provides acknowledgment, exposure, compensation and developmental opportunities to recognize their above-and-beyond work leading their respective EECNs.

 Inaugural EECN Summit 2023 in Sunnyvale, California
Summer EECN Picnic


Summer EECN Picnic—uniting all nine groups to raise awareness about the EECNs and explore opportunities for collaboration between WeAreEquinix and the EECNs for future outreach and initiatives.

VetConnect x FaithConnect Hanukkah Christmas party

VetConnect x FaithConnect

VetConnect x FaithConnect Hanukkah/Christmas party at our global headquarters in Redwood City, CA. Hosted in partnership with our customers, PayPal and ServiceNow, the event included cookie decorating and an opportunity to write a holiday card for a veteran.

PrideConnect members and allies in Warsaw, Poland celebrating Pride Month


PrideConnect members and allies celebrating Pride Month in Warsaw, Poland.

InterASIANconnect 2023 Party


interASIANconnect hosted their 2023 annual signature event for Lunar New Year at GHQ.

VetConnect Signature Event


VetConnect partnered with Verizon to host their signature event in honor of Veteran’s Day, where they discussed with a panel how to create inclusive environments for veterans in the technology industry.



Increase Equinix’s inclusion, innovation and impact by expanding, empowering and elevating Black employees and our allies around the globe.



Empower our disability, chronic illness, neurodivergent and caregiver communities to realize their full potential by advocating to remove barriers while supporting creative new approaches to work.​



Inspire a culture of learning and respect for all faiths, non-faiths and worldviews in the workplace.



Promote Hispanic/Latino languages, culture and heritage while encouraging, developing and advancing outstanding Hispanic/Latino talent, building cross-c​ultural bridges and capturing the power of our creativity and experience to expand Equinix’s competitive advantage.



Unite the experiences, perspectives and voices of employees who identify as being a part of the pan-Asian (East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian and Middle East) and Pacific Islander diaspora and allies, at Equinix, to inspire community outreach and personal growth, celebrate cultural diversity and inclusion and elevate leaders for career development and advancement to further the business impact and reach of Equinix.



Ensure that LGBTQ+ employees thrive by exceeding the standards of leading global employers for this community.



Create a space for those with military ties to feel safe, belong and unite our resources for the continued empowerment and improvement through all functions, whether personally or professionally. We believe that leveraging the strengths Veterans bring will enhance Equinix in the marketplace. Our team is here to support global Veterans, spouses, families, dependents and allies alike.



Bring together and advance the women of Equinix through education, connection and empowerment.



Foster an environment where all employees can share, belong and be recognized as their career progresses.

Inclusion and Belonging Made Local

As a global organization, Equinix recognizes the need to localize global initiatives so that they are relevant and meaningful to all our employees. To do this, we leverage our WeAreEquinix (WRE) employee engagement program. WRE consists of volunteer-led employee teams focused on building culture and community locally at Equinix’s locations around the globe.

WRE brings together the full power of five global programs—Community Impact, DIB and EECNs, Fun & Creativity, Green & Sustainability, and Wellbeing—to provide WRE volunteers with the resources they need. In 2023, we had 38 WRE teams with over 450 volunteers leading local initiatives to cultivate belonging, service, sustainability and fun, while bringing employees together across identity, function and level. WRE teams strengthen local connections between Equinix colleagues, and, in return, we can accelerate a future where everyone across the globe can confidently say, “I’m safe, I belong, and I matter.”

WeAreEquinix Locations and Impact

WomenConnect Ireland Breast Cancer event 1
WRE India WomenConnect DIB Mural Wall
WRE Denver Snow Day
Warsaw Christmas Wrapping Gifts

Expanding Mentor Program Training

To enhance engagement, foster a sense of belonging and create a more responsive and interconnected organizational culture, we strengthened the relationship between our EECNs and WRE program. At EECN fairs, WRE teams share valuable insights about the unique dynamics of the WRE program in their respective locations.

EECN Fairs

Case Study

Days Of Understanding

Every year, our Days of Understanding program hosts opportunities for employees to discuss inclusion. In 2023, with support from WRE leaders, we expanded the program’s reach, increasing participation to 4,400 employees (up from 2,100 in 2022).

Achievements in Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

We are proud of our DIB successes. The following external achievements highlight our dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive culture in 2023:


In industry and 17th overall within the top 100 JUST companies by JUST Capital


Diversity & Inclusion Index winner by Alliance for Global Inclusion


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Silver Award by NAREIT


In the Fortune 500 for Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion


Score for Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index


Best Places to Work in IT by Computerworld


Best Companies for Women Technology by Fairygodboss


In Pride Index in Japan


For Women Award from The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong